17 August, 2004- Melkweg, Amsterdam, Netherlands
review by Edwin
Rock concert with only one cigarette
The first concert I saw of Mark was last November in Brussels, and I
was stunned. Consequently my expectations of the Amsterdam concert (sold-out
Melkweg, 750 fans) were pretty high. Unfortunately they were not completely
met. The Brussels concert had everything: rock-songs played like rock-songs,
more intimate songs played more intimate. Mark has clearly chosen a
new path: a rock path with hardly any space for intimacy. For some of
his songs this is a very good choice but unfortunately it means that
his dark voice often gets a bit lost in all the guitar-noise.
One consequence of Mark's choice for a rock concert is that he gives
a lot of space to Michael Barragan on guitar. But as De Volkskrant wrote
in a review (title: 'Formal Lanegan finishes the set list'): somehow
there was a glass wall between the band and the audience and none of
the artists did an attempt to get any contact. The girl with the background
vocals was pretty successfull in trying to look as uninterested as possible.
It certainly wasn't a bad concert for a fan: I just think that Mark
can give more to the fans by having a 'intimate songs part' of the show,
like with the encore of the Brussels concert, with an acoustic guitar.
I hope that next week in Utrecht (NOTE FOR PEOPLE WHO HAVE A TICKET:
TO TIVOLI OUDEGRACHT) the band will be more inspired.
Set list (not in the right order):
Hit the city
Wedding dress
When your number isn't up
No easy action
Like little Willie John
Methamphetamine blues
Sideways in reverse
Come to me
Creeping coastline of lights
One way street
Sleep with me
Resurrection song (?)