29 August, 2004- Leeds
Festival, UK
review by Hazel
Sunday night at Leeds was amazing... First MC5 has Mark Arm as guest
singer, then Mr Lanegan sang with Mondo Generator, then finally the
Mark Lanegan Band ended the Carling stage weekend. Played for about
55 minutes, a good set list, lots from the new album. I was right
at the front but the barrier was a couple of metres from the stage
and the band had very little lighting on them. Got a few pictures,
don't know how they'll turn out...
I just wish that the rest of the tour dates were not so far South,
or I'd be at them all!
review by audreyhepburn
Leeds setlist:
When you number isn't up
Hit the city
Wedding dress
Creeping coastline of lights
No easy action
Sideways in reverse
One way street
Come to me
Driving death valley blues
I'll take care of you
Skeletal history
Methamphetamine blues
Encore: band intro
Sleep with me
It was indeed a wicked set and the whole band seemed like they were
really up for it. Mark apparently got longer than billed at Leeds
because there was some cock-up at Reading. The stage he was playing
on were running late and he only got 25 minutes as a result. He was
not amused.
10 September, 2004-
Azkena Rock Festival, Vitoria, Spain
setlist posted by henchman
I was there. They played 1 hour and it was great! setlist:
driving death valley blues
hit the city
wedding dress
creeping coastline of lights
no easy action
one way street
message to mine
come to me
sideways in reverse
take care of you
don't forget me
when your number isn't up
resurrection song
little willy john
skeletal history
methamphetamine blues
The show was broadcasted on the radio except part (most of) of the
first song.
20 October 2004- Corner
Hotel, Richmond, VIC, Australia
review by rimb
Much bigger crowd at the Corner and less lighting (the stage was bathed
in red light for the whole show) so the band could hide in the shadows.
Also a much better mix - more prominent lead guitar and vocals than
Ding Dong.
Only set list changes were 100 Days and One Way Street in for Sideways
In Reverse and Fix as well as the order:
Driving Death Valley blues
When your number isn't up
Hit the city
Wedding dress
No Easy Action
Message To Mine
Like little Willie John
Come to me
Resurrection Song
On Jesus' Program
I'll Take Care Of You
Skeletal History
Methamphetamine Blues
Sleep With Me
Creeping Coastline Of Lights
I think I preferred the intimacy of the Ding Dong show compared to
this, but it was definitely a great couple of nights.
23 October 2004- The
Zoo, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
review by Mr Gumby
First thing about Brisbane show: no merch at all! Not even posters.
Second thing: Saturday was mutherfucking hot!! 38 degrees celcius
hot (that works out to be 100 degree farenheit...).
The Zoo is not the best place on a hot night, so I'd guess the temperature
was at least 45. Enough for me to be dripping sweat when I left anyway,
and I stayed back towards the soundboard where it was much cooler.
the turnout was better than I thought it would be considering it was
so hastily organised, but I'm glad I could just sit back and not have
to touch anyone.
The band all had sweat towels (i was thinking some sick mofos probably
scored them at the end and are at this moment making sweet sweet love
to them while crying and listening to opera).
So, congrats to Mark and the gang for at least playing, I was half
expecting them to pull out or do a short show (it was a short encore,
but still a full length show I thought). Perhaps the heat was also
the reason for the very limited lighting.
Setlist was from memory similar to the Melbourne ones in this topic,
although I'm sure we got 'One Way Street' (with 'No Easy Action' and
'Miracle' which was Fucking Hot) and we didn't get 'Creeping Coastline'
(at least not that I remember).
highlights were most definately 'wedding dress', 'one way street'
and 'skeletal history'. the live versions of these just kicked serious
ass. Overall I thought the show was great, but in truth I was just
glad they played after the festival cancelation (I think people would
have died if it had gone ahead, it was just that hot.
The support act (The Kicks) was also very good, I'd never heard/heard
of them before but I'm gonna try to find out more. Kind of like the
White Stripes mixed with Sonic Youth and Sleater-Kinney, I thought.
I hope Mark heard them (probably, as my friend mentioned he saw the
female singer, whose name I tragically forget, walking around during
21 November, 2004- Old Market, Brighton, UK
setlist posted by flyingv
Sideways In Reverse
Hit The City
Wedding Dress/Slide Machine
One Way Street
When Your Number Isn't Up
No Easy Action
Like Little Willie John
Can't Come Down
Resurrection Song
Driving Death Valley Blues
I'll Take Care Of You
Skeletal History
Methamphetamine Blues
Blues For D
Gospel Plow
Shelley wasn't present at this show.
22 November, 2004- Acadamy
2, Birmingham, UK
setlist posted by flyingv
Sideways In Reverse
Hit The City (with Shelley)
Wedding Dress/Slide Machine
One Way Street
When Your Number Isn't Up
No Easy Action
Like Little Willie John
Can't Come Down
Resurrection Song
Come To Me (with Shelley)
Driving Death Valley Blues
I'll Take Care Of You
Skeletal History
Methamphetamine Blues
Blues For D
Gospel Plow
25 November 2004- Limelight,
Belfast, N. Ireland
review by marlboroman
I can remember little at the moment. setlist included (possibly not
in order):
Sideways in Reverse
Hit the City
Wedding Dress
One Way Street
No Easy Action
When your Number Isn't Up
Like Little Willie John
Resurrection Song
Come to Me
Driving Death Valley Blues
I'll Take Care of YouSkeletal History
Methamphetamine Blues
Strange Religion
Gospel Plow
Shelley did an impressive version of Strange Religion. Mark did Four
Corners on Nick's acoustic set (definitely the highlight of it), which
was better than on record because Oliveri was inaudible during the
Sound guy fucked up the levels for the vocals slightly, Hit the City
was sung a lot more low-key than on record (but the guitar was higher
in the mix, and more distorted) , possibly because Shelley was so
difficult to hear. she did a fantastic job though. One of the guitarists
looks like evil tattooed Jack White - even wearing red t-shirt.
Mark's singing was better than last years (i dimly recall that he'd
had a cold), he didn't seem to be enjoying himself too much, but he's
hardly being headhunted as a Blue Peter presenter at the best of times.
On the choice of venue, i maintain that the Limelight sucks acoustics-wise.
there was also way too many people let in at the door, i think the
crowd was three deep by the time Oliveri started.
That's all folks, until i sober up and get flashbacks at least. Absinthe
was watered down.
PS: Shelley sounded better than PJ doing Come to Me.
25 November 2004- Limelight, Belfast, N. Ireland
review by Jack O'Diamonds
Excellent performances, crap venue and very loud audience (during
the quieter moments - must have been all those QOTSA fans eh?) They
played Autopilot & Blues For D as well. Thought Shelley was great
but a little quiet in the mix. I wonder has she inspired my budding
rock chick wife to get a tattoo! Nick's Acoustic set was quite entertaining
as well. Hopefully Mark will play Belfast again - as long as it's
not @ the Limelight!
26 November 2004- Garage,
Glasgow, Scotland
review by fudweizer
Just back from the Glasgow gig last night so I thought I'd write a
quick review for y'all. The set list was much the same as the setlists
that have been previously posted from other shows, almost all new
stuff. Nothing from the first two albums at all. Nick Oliveri was
supporting and playing guitar for Mark, well playing guitar for parts
of whatever songs he knew!!! It wasn't the best (or most together)
Lanegan concert I've been to, but it rocked. It was a lot heavier
than any other of his solo shows I've been to which suited me fine.
Highlights were Mark joining Nick for 4 corners and both Ivy and Gospel
Plow and the bass player chucking a tantrum and throwing his guitar
off the stage when he broke a string during Driving Death Valley Blues
(well it made me laugh!!!). As you would expect the interaction between
Mark and the crowd was minimal. The only thing he said was "Thanks
for coming out tonight. Goodnight." then headed off towards the
30 November 2004- Leadmill,
Sheffield, UK
review by melaniewhorehouse
...Leaving later than I should have done, along with shitty driving
conditions (fog you could knit with) and a huge holdup while a previous
accident was cleared, a journey that should have taken just over an
hour or so took 3. And Sheffield's charming one-way system didn't
help much either.
"Not a problem", thought I, "it's just before 9.30,
and that's when the MLB have started their set at every other gig
so far, so I've just about made it"
Except for this one.
For some bollocks reason, the band had to finish for 10 so started
much earlier. I got there as Skeletal History started, which as people
who read the setlists of yore know, is the 2nd to last song of the
main set. Fucksocks.
Still, they played Ivy, and that thing with Brett on vocals at the
end, so it wasn't a total washout... I take it that the lack of Strange
Religion and no spare mic on stage meant that Shelley wasn't there
review by bobpants
I was there last night, and I have to say it was pretty damn good
- only the second time I've seen Mark live & this was by far the
better of the 2, nice intimate venue instead of the more "cavernous"
Manchester Academy. I also noticed a guy in the crowd with a handicam
filming everything, that's a video I would love to see.
On the point of an early start, unfortunately the leadmill has decided
in it's infinite wisdom to start their midweek gigs as early as possible,
so they can kick everyone out by ten to prepare for the odious student
friendly cheese night that follows. Fools.
30 November 2004- Leadmill, Sheffield, UK
review by bobpants
[The gig] was brilliant - The second time I have seen Mark (previous
was at the same venue watching the Trees). I loved every minute.
I'm not sure who the opening act was as I missed any introductions
if any but they were pretty decent.
Nick played about a 6 song set including 'Wake Up Screaming', 'I'm
Dead', '13th Floor/AKA Tension Head', and Mark came out for a version
of 'Four Corners' which was ace!
Then Mark hit the stage and it was pretty much the same set list
as those previous one's you posted, 'Autopilot', 'Gospel Plow', 'Ivy'
et al.
Top night!
What is that song Bret plays at the end though?
...Oh yes, there was no Shelley!
1 December 2004- The
Fiddlers, Bristol, UK
review by oldgrungewoman
I went with my two girls and a couple of my boy's friends (me boy's
in Spain right now). Just a determination thing really...I got the
tickets early. I took a few photos but my camera is crap so they kind
of say...there he comes, there he goes..mostly shoulders and shoes.
I found myself standing at the exit, which turned out to be the artists
entrance, I couldn't believe my luck. So I made myself as big as I
could so no-one could push in. Well, Nick Oliveri was playing and
Mark sneaked in to do a couple of songs with him. I had the nerve
to ask him if I could take a picture. He was real nice and said could
I wait until after so I agreed. Then he did the MLB set and the 'crew'
seemed really edgy towards the end so I didn't actually get a pose
'cos he practically flew out the door. But you know, I was like some
love-struck teenager so don't ask me about the songs...I just swayed,
gawked and snuck a few snap shots. But I have to say that I bumped
into the dressing room after on my way to the loo and saw the guys
from Black Velvet and they did a groupie pose with me. They were a
great bunch of guys...very funny and nice.